Monday, March 12, 2012

NASA specialist axed over intelligent design

     Opening arguments started in Los Angeles,California in the case of David Coppedege vs. NASA-JPL. Mr.Coppedege a computer specialist for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory believes he was wrongly terminated do to his belief in intelligent design. Copedege handed out DVD’s out at work supporting his ideas while at work. David lost his lead position in 2009 and was fired last year after serving fifth-teen years on the Cassini mission exploring Saturn’s many moons. Intelligent design is the belief that a higher power had to have had a hand in the creation of the world. California Institute of Technology lawyers claims that Coppedege received written warnings because his co-workers complained of harassment in addition they say he lost his team leader position due to on going conflicts with others. This case has generated support from the intelligent design community from groups such as the Discovery Institute. The National Center of Science Education group is also watching this case closely which rejects intelligent design theory. David Copedege attorney William Becker claims his client was singled out by his bosses because of his beliefs to be religious in nature. Coppedege had a reputation around JPL as an evangelical Christian.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. It sounds like he may have been unjustly fired due to his religious beliefs. I sure hope not.

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